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Hi, I am Dr. Deborah Karas, APN-BC , RN

First of all...

Welcome to Nurse Expert Solutions!

Let me start by introducing myself and tell you about my background…

As a long term care nurse and nurse educator, the standard of nursing care has always been the mission.  I have worked many hours and shifts, often double shifts of 16 hours on the floor to provide the care residents and patients needed.  And with my experience in various health care settings, I bring my education and training to the review of medical records. 

I am a Board Certified adult advance practice and gerontological nurse. My practice includes clinical primary, long-term, and home care.

I bring over 30+ years of diverse and successful nursing experience to my practice and patients. I am dedicated to providing and consulting the nursing standard of care to patients and clients.

My experience includes serving as Chair of the Content Expert Panel for the American Nurses Credentialing Center, the panel that administers the National Gerontological Nurse Board Certification exam.

I served as an adjunct faculty member at William R. Harper College as an educator and program coordinator of the Basic Nursing Assistant Training Program, receiving a Certificate of Recognition for "Outstanding Performance in Clinical Education."

Over the years, I have received honors in Phi Theta Kappa—William R Harper College and Alpha Delta Omega — Human Services Honor Society.

Currently, I am a member of Sigma Theta Tau International — Honor Society of Nursing.; the American Association of Nurse Practitioners; the American Nurses Credentialing Center, and the Illinois Society for Advanced Practice Nursing. 

I have made numerous professional presentations and conducted many workshops for various groups and organizations, including the State of Illinois Police, St. Stephen Symposium–Archdiocese of Chicago, Good Shepard Hospital, Illinois Department of Labor, and the White House Health Care Advisory Panel.

My experience also includes a medical mission in Central America.


 "Dedicated to working with others and  promoting the "Nursing Standard of Care." 



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