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My loved one is in the hospital, now what do I do?

Situations like this can be overwhelming, with many unanswered questions and thoughts running through your mind of what will I do?

  • How will I handle this situation?
  • Can my loved one come home, and...
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Case Review: Staffing Problems

Today, I have another case review for you; it's an example of the type of case you may review as a Nurse Expert.

Staffing problems in facilities…

Some of the staffing problems should never...

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Cases You May Review as Nurse Expert: Bedsores & Pressure Sores

Do you wonder about the types of cases you will be asked to review as a Nurse Expert? 

Unless you focus on one specific area, you will likely be asked to review a variety of cases as a Nurse...

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Why Too Much Inactivity Can Lead To Difficulties

Inactivity and improper activity can lead to unnecessary and avoidable health problems. And sometimes, problems may necessitate the use of assistive devices, which may not be necessary or even the...

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The Dangers of Falling For Older Adults

When someone falls, facility staff must call the family or designated representative when their loved one falls.

A fall indicates a change in condition; it is not considered a normal part of the...

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Is it Legal to Monitor a Resident’s Room with a Camera?

Over the years, we have seen cameras in many areas of our daily lives.   

Today, we see electronic monitoring on school buses, in schools, street corners, retail stores, restaurants, and...

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Where Do I Find Clients for my Nurse Expert Business?

Now that you wish to review medical records as a nurse expert and work with attorneys and other agencies, where do you go to find them so they can find you?   

Finding clients is always a...

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Why You Should Look… Even Where The “Sun Does Not Shine”


Recently I worked with a client whose father had been in the nursing home for “rehab” after a stroke. Due to various events, the son was unsettled and felt unhappy about how his...

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Where Did That Medication Go?

Pill counts, drug diversion, and discontinued medications never returned to the pharmacy are some of the issues that can happen in the healthcare facilities.

 Frustrating as it can be when a...

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Another Day in Court

Often I am asked, what is it like to go to court?   What is it like to testify?   I share this experience as one example.  Each experience is different, but basically in every case a...

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