Every year millions of older adults, meaning those over 65 years of age, fall.[1] A definition of a “fall” means anyway they end up on the ground or floor, one way or...
For those who work in urgent care, and the emergency room, how many times have patients come in, especially the older adult, and they are dehydrated? Often you find it hard to get an IV...
Many times, there are activities of daily living that are not necessarily the most pleasant but the importance should be over stressed. After all nutrition as we know all begins in the...
Sufficient, skilled and knowledgeable nursing staff is one of the key issues to quality care in any type of healthcare facility.
The nursing staff and other medical staff are a...
As an expert, hours are spent reading the medical records, forming an opinion and giving an oral opinion or writing up an affidavit if requested.
You want and you should be paid for the time...
When there is a negative outcome, people often wonder: "Was there was a background check of the health care worker(s) involved in the incident?"
And it's a reasonable question since there are...
While you may have heard about Nurse Expert Consulting, you may not be entirely clear what it entails. So, if you’re curious and want to find out more, read on. This article attempts to...
Many names are used for sores that can develop over a bony pressure area, such as the coccyx, hip, heel, shoulder, elbow, and back of the head. These ulcers tend to be painful, cause misery and...
Starting a Nurse Expert Consulting practice not only expands your career; it also allows you to share your nursing skills in new ways. You will enjoy greater flexibility, all the while creating a...
The Nursing Standard of Care impacts everything you do in your work. It provides the guidelines for how you should behave, and what you should and should not do in the professional...
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